Congresso Brasileiro do Sono

Dados do Trabalho


Negative changes in sleep patterns are observed in patients admitted by COVID 19


Introduction: Sleep is the main determinant of human well-being, mental and physical health. Sleep effectiveness can be reported through its quality and depth. Based on this principle, individuals infected by the SARS - CoV-2 virus from the family of coronavirus viruses, develop tissue inflammation and cell damage, causing an increase in inflammatory cytokines in the organism of the infected.
There are several common causes of sleep disorders in hospitalized patients, including medical conditions and underlying psychological problems. There are also several modifiable factors that promote sleep disturbances in critically ill patients, such as noise, light, interactions with patient care, medications, mechanical ventilation and very commonly pain.
The lack of sleep, therefore, can negatively compromise immunity, increasing the chances of disease onset. There is also the influence of sleep on emotional processing, with a role in maintaining mood and emotional state. Sleep deprivation also has a strong negative impact on daily behavior and, consequently, on daily mental health.


Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the sleep characteristics of patients during hospitalization, with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID.


Methods: This is a quantitative, descriptive study, carried out from July to September 2020 in patients with positive SARS-CoV-2 infection through the RT-PCR test of nasopharyngeal swabs, aged ≥ 18 years, of both sexes, admitted to the hospital's infirmary in the north of Rio Grande do Sul. The evaluation methods used were the sleep diary and a free application (Sleep As Android) available for smarphones.


Results: Thirty patients were evaluated, the majority of whom were male (53%) and the average age was 52 years. Only 1 patient was previously healthy and the main associated comorbidities were hypertension and obesity. Less than 50% of individuals used sleeping pills. However, C-reactive protein levels were altered in most patients. As for the outcomes related to sleep characteristics, significant correlations were observed between increased nighttime awakenings and prolonged hospital stay. In addition, patients diagnosed with depression (23%) had a greater total sleep deficit in a hospital setting.


Conclusion: Pacients with COVID admitted to hospital nurse units destined for a pandemic have important changes in sleep which are directly related to their lower quality.


Sleep, Sleep Deprivation, Coronavirus Infections, Sleep Hygiene


Área Clínica


Hospital de Clínicas de Passo Fundo - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil


Bruna Mayer Schrammel, Amanda amanda Sachetti