Congresso Brasileiro do Sono

Dados do Trabalho


Sleep quality and time using social networks associated with satisfaction with academic performance in university students


The time spent using social network (TSN), despite the benefit of social interaction, can interfere with sleep quality, a fundamental element for learning.


This study aims to evaluate if there is a correlation between TSN and the quality of sleep, and whether these variables are associated with satisfaction with academic performance (SAP).


Cross-sectional study with students of Londrina State University, Brazil, in 2019. The dependent variable was satisfaction with academic performance. The independent variables were sleep quality, obtained through Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI; range 0-21), and TSN. The correlation between sleep quality and TSN was assessed using the Spearman test, and additionally was evaluated the interaction by the likelihood ratio. The association between independent and dependent variables was performed by binary logistic regression adjusted for confounding factors (age, sex, race, cohabitation, admission form, course series, practice of physical activity, work and cellphone dependence) in SPSS, to obtain the beta coefficient (β) and 95% confidence interval (CI). The analysis was also stratified by the study period.


Of the 12.536 university students regularly enrolled and over 18 years old, 2.725 (21.7%) participated in the study. Sleep quality and TSN presented rho=.112, p<.001, without interaction. The adjusted analysis showed that the increase in PSQI and TSN was associated with a decrease in SAP, β -.071 (IC95 -.082, -.060; p<.001) and β -.069 (IC95 -.096, -.042; p<.001), respectively. In the stratified analysis by the study period, sleep quality affected the SAP in all periods (β ranging from -.049 to -.116, with p<.001), mainly for those who study in the evening. However, the TSN was not associated for those who study at full time (p = .051), associating in the other periods (β ranging from -.066 to -.168, with p<.003) with greater effect for those who study in the morning.


Sleep quality and TSN proved to be independent domains. Sleep quality and TSN were associated with decrease in SAP, regardless of demographic characteristics, lifestyle and work. These results indicate the importance of policies that allow improving the quality of sleep, as well as raising awareness among students about the time spent on social networks.


Sleep; Social Networking; Students; Academic Performance; Universities.


Área Clínica


Universidade Estadual de Londrina - Paraná - Brasil


Eduardo Hideki Takahashi, Bruno Machado Cunha, Rafaela Sirtoli, Selma Maffei de Andradade, Arthur Eumann Mesas, Edmarlon Eduardo Girotto, Camilo Molino Guidoni, Renne Rodrigues