Congresso Brasileiro do Sono

Dados do Trabalho


Association between sleep and quality of life in pregnancy trimesters: a longitudinal study


Pregnancy is characterized by several changes in the body in different gestational trimesters; among these changes, there may be an influence on sleep characteristics and quality of life during pregnancy, and these factors are important for women’s health and well-being.


To compare the quality of sleep of pregnant women between the gestational trimesters and the impacts on quality of life.


Longitudinal, quantitative study, with three follow-up waves at each gestational trimester (called T1, T2 and T3). Fifty pregnant women without comorbidities started the study, of which 12 discontinued due to complications in pregnancy or change in the place of prenatal monitoring. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI-BR) and a quality of life assessment instrument (WHOQOL-bref) were used. Data were analyzed using statistical tests (Chi-square, Spearman’s correlation test, Pearson’s correlation and regression models).


It was identified that 55.3% of pregnant women reported poor quality sleep at T1, 39.5% at T2 and 65.8% at T3 and that, at T3, there was 67% more relative risk of reporting poor sleep. quality than in T2. Significantly lower scores were identified in T3 in the Physical domain and in the Social domain of quality of life compared to the other quarters. Regarding sleep, there was a significant correlation of high magnitude at T1 (-0.5259), at T2 (-0.6844) and at T3 (-0.6567) between the WHOQOL-bref score in the Physical domain and the PSQI-BR score, indicating that the worse the quality of sleep, the worse the quality of life.


Considering the high prevalence of poor sleep quality, especially in the third trimester, as well as the impact of this sleep on aspects of quality of life in all trimesters, prenatal care is understood as a moment of intense learning and an opportunity for the health team to develop education, guidance and sleep hygiene actions. It is important that pregnant women are clear about their sleep habits and the consequences of poor sleep with healthcare professionals’ support and knowledge on the subject.


Pregnant women, Sleep, Quality of life, Longitudinal


Área Básica


Natália Amorim Ramos Felix, Carla Renata Silva Andrechuck, Carola Rosas, Cleber Souza Oliveira, Cristina Kano Inazumi, Mayza Luzia Santos Neves, Henrique Ceretta Oliveira, Maria Filomena Ceolim