Congresso SONO 2022

Dados do Trabalho


Sleep dentistry improving school performance and child development


This work is based on the clinical results of an 8-year-old male patient, with crossbite, use of artificial teats such as a pacifier and bottle from birth to 3 years of age and with growth difficulties, poor sleep with complaint of snoring and movements night when associated with mouth breathing, shows the importance of sleep dentistry integrated with a multiprofessional network to change and improve the pattern of both breathing and occlusion.


Demonstrate how sleep dentistry associated with pediatric dentistry promotes fantastic results for the improvement of general health and balance of functions in pediatric patients.


Assessing the need to recover both masticatory and respiratory functions, it was necessary to use an orthopedic device since the atresic palate reduces the spaces of the upper airways and due to the use of artificial nipples, the open bite prevents lip sealing. The patient had a change in the correct growth of the arcades, which directly impacts breathing and, therefore, changes in sleep, since he has a much greater difficulty in reaching the REM stage, a fundamental stage of sleep both for recovery and assimilation of information and for the release of growth hormone. As a result, complaints of school performance and lack of attention during classes. We know that breathing without the nasal route is directly related to the reduction of oxygen in noble areas such as the brain, contributing to greater dispersion.


After one year of treatment, it was possible to evaluate both the aesthetic correction and the improvement in the growth and development of the face and bite correction. Regarding the respiratory process after correction of the jaws and open bite, it was possible to perform lip sealing and thus correct breathing, position of the tongue and hyoid bone. The mother reported a much “quieter” sleep, after the first 6 months of treatment, it was noticed that frequent snoring became sporadic and with these changes a direct interference in better school performance.


Dentistry today has an extremely relevant importance in the treatment not only of the disease, but in the maintenance of health and the balance of functions in the human body. Preventive treatment from pediatric dentistry specializing in this vision of sleep promotes a direct interference in the development and quality of life.

Palavras -chave

Sleep dentistry, cross bite, development.


Relato de Caso


Maria Fernanda Correa Braga