Congresso SONO 2022

Dados do Trabalho


Impact of Training and Implementation of a Sleep Apnea Care Line in Primary Health Care in the SUS


Sleep Apnea (OSAS) is an important cardiovascular and metabolic risk factor, has a high prevalence and a high social cost. In the current Strategic Action Plan to Combat Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases in Brazil for 2021 to 2030, OSAS appears as a condition to be taken care of at all points of the network, starting with Primary Health Care (PHC). Thus, it is important for managers to expand access, promote intersectoral articulations and permanent education actions for the construction of skills, competences and interdisciplinary care of PHC professionals in the prevention and management of OSAS.


Evaluate the impact of training and implementation of a line of care (LC) for patients with OSAS in PHC in SUS.


In 2021, the LC was built and a successful pilot project was carried out. From that, in April 2022, the PHC management trained most professionals from the 23 teams of the Family Health Strategy and 07 of Primary Care, on the general aspects of OSAS through a comprehensive LC, which provided for the awareness of professionals and users, patient triage, type IV polygraphy that allows, in addition to nocturnal desaturation assessment, remote reporting (telemedicine) by a responsible physician, CPAP treatment funded by the health department and therapy management through telemonitoring to monitor and encourage patient compliance. In Araguari, until 2021, the polysomnography exam was not available, so there was a repressed demand of 55 patients waiting since 2009.


106 health professionals participated in the training: 17 doctors, 18 nurses, 07 physiotherapists, 11 nursing technicians, 31 community agents and 22 others. Until August 8, 2022, 92 patients were screened and polygraphy was performed in 56 of them, of these 27 had an ODI < 15, 9 with an ORI between ≥ 15 and < 30 and 20 with an ORI ≥ 30, totaling a rate of 51% among those with moderate and severe OSAS. These 29 patients were referred for CPAP treatment and follow-up with adherence management by the service's multidisciplinary team. This ended the invisibility of this important public health problem and the repressed demand.


Strengthening PHC through professional training and implementation of an LC proved to be effective, allowing SUS users to expand access to the diagnosis and treatment of OSAS in the city of Araguari in accordance with current public health policies.

Palavras -chave

Sleep Apnea, Primary Health Care, Chronic Noncommunicable Disease




Pollyana Machado Xavier, Andrea Machado Valente, Helena Aparecida Souza Carisio, Marislene Pulsena Cunha Nunes, Caroline Moema Carvalho Romão Oliveira, Maria José Fernandes Alves, Laerte Honorato Borges Junior