Congresso SONO 2022

Dados do Trabalho


Food practices and sleep quality of university students during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study carried out in Midwest of Brazil


Concerns about uncertainties regarding academic and health conditions contributed substantially to the worsening of sleep pattern and nutrition of university students during social isolation due COVID-19 pandemic. Although poor sleep quality is extremely prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic, little is known about the qualitative assessment of diet under pandemic conditions in this population. The few studies carried out have quantified food consumption.


To estimate the prevalence and association of poor sleep quality and food practices of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Cross-sectional study, at a federal university located in the Midwest region of Brazil. This research belongs to the matrix project entitled "mental health, nutritional care and sleep pattern of the university community during the covid-19 pandemic: mixed research”, approved by the National Council for Ethics in Research (CONEP), nº 4.084.201, complying with the requirements of Resolution nº 466/2012. To assess sleep quality, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used (> 5 points – poor sleep quality) and eating behavior was qualitatively evaluated by the food practices test developed by the Ministry of Health based on the recommendations of food guide and validated for the Brazilian population. It was considered > 41 points: protective to health, deserves attention: between > 31 < 41 points: < 31 points: needs change.


253 students participated in the study. It was found that 40.3% (n=102) students had eating habits that needed changes and with a 2.45 times chance (95% CI 1.68-3.58; p <0.00) of poor sleep quality (62.8%, n= 159) in relation to those who had good sleep quality.


University students with unhealthy food practices are more likely to have impaired sleep quality. The results demonstrate the need for actions aimed at preventing health problems in this vulnerable population.

Palavras -chave

University students; Eating behavior; Sleep hygiene


Área Clínica


Graciele Cristina Silva Leão, Dácio Almeida Pereira, Vilmar de Assis Gonçalves Júnior, Roselma Lucchese, Moisés Fernandes Lemos