Congresso Brasileiro do Sono

Dados do Trabalho


Chronotypes of individuals with temporomandibular disorders


Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are the second most prevalent musculoskeletal condition, affecting the temporomandibular joint, its associated muscles and all the related structures that are inervated by the trigeminal complex. As it is know, the sleep can be influenced, in an unfavorable way, by many conditions that cause pain. Chronotype refers preferences for activities during certain times of the day and is a behavioral manifestation underlying circadian rhythms. Several studies had shown that the chronotype can influenced the interpretation of pain. Studies with Chronic pain, fibromyalgia, depression and some musculoskeletal disorders, that are comorbidities commonly encountered in individuals with TMD, encountered that evening chronotype are more sensitive to pain.


The aim of this study was to identify the chronotype of individuals with TMD in order to find other ways to minimize the pain.


This is a descriptive study where forty individuals with TMD of muscular origin, according the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD, were invited to fullfill the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ-SA). It is composed by 19 multiple-choice questions regarding sleep characteristics and preference. Subjects are defined as late rising, moderately late rising, intermediate, moderately early rising and early rising. We also avaliate duration and intensity of pain.


The participants mean age was 41 years old and the visual analogic scale media was 6.2 . They had an average of pain duration from six months to 12 years. Regarding the MEQ-AS, the result show: one (2.5%) late rising, 3 (7.5%) moderately late rising, 23 (57,5%) intermediate, 12 (30.0%) moderately early rising and one (2.5%) early rising.


Although several studies show the association of late types with more pain, our study could not show the relationship between TMD individuals with pain and late types. In contrary, it could be observed that the most prevalent chronotype in individuals with TMD is intermediate, followed by moderate early rising.


Chronotype, Temporomandibular disorders, Myofascial pain, Chronic pain


Área Clínica


Universidade Metodista de São Paulo - UMESP - São Paulo - Brasil, Universidade Santa Cecília - UNISANTA - São Paulo - Brasil


Monique Sanches Lalue Sanches