Congresso Brasileiro do Sono

Dados do Trabalho


Inflammatory mechanisms in the healing process influenced by sleep deprivation


The inadequate sleep pattern can be associated to a series of consequences related to sleep disorders, such as autoimmune diseases, increased risk of cardiovascular, metabolic diseases and inflammation. Inflammation is a natural and essential defense mechanism of the body, responsible for combating antigens, restoring homeostasis and repairing tissue damage, such as wound healing. The wound healing process is complex and involves soluble mediators, blood cells, extracellular matrix and parenchymal cells. It is understood that the interactions between the biological mechanisms of sleep and inflammation reinforce a path for the development of treatments that modulate healing.


To investigate inflammatory mechanisms of paradoxical sleep deprivation under the inflammatory aspect in the skin healing process in an animal mode, as well as the sleep pattern.


The study will be conducted on male C57B16 mice. Animals will be randomly assigned to the control group, wound group or paradoxical wound sleep deprivation group, and their respective control groups. With regard to skin wound induction, the animals will be anesthetized with xylazine and ketamine and an area on the skin of the dorsal region will be scraped and removed by surgery. The evaluation of skin wound closure will be by daily photographs from day 0 to 14. Electrode implantation will be performed by stereotactic procedure, to assess sleep pattern through electrocorticogram and electromyogram signals. In addition, paradoxical sleep deprivation will be performed by the multiple platform method for mice. Finally, the animals will be euthanized and consequently the tissues will be collected for proper histological analysis and determination of cytokine concentrations by Elisa.


No results.


Paradoxical sleep deprivation is expected to further increase the levels of inflammatory cytokines in animals with skin lesions. And consequently, the transition from the wound inflammation stage to the proliferation stage is more effective due to the induction of anti-inflammatory mediators and growth factors. Considering that, the literature points out that the lack of sleep affects the skin only when associated with the age factor.


Sleep. Sleep deprivation. Wound healing.


Área Básica


Universidade Estadual de Campinas - São Paulo - Brasil


Alessandro Spencer de Souza Holanda, Hosana Gomes Rodrigues, Andrea Maculano Esteves