Congresso Brasileiro do Sono

Dados do Trabalho


Sleep and self-perception of stress and happiness in the post-graduation professors


The postgraduate programs professors have atypical conditions in their work routine due to the high institutional demands and the diversity of functions and activities. Hence, their quality of life is impaired by many factors, including working during days-off.


This study aimed to analyze the association between sleep duration and self-perception of stress and happiness in a sample of professors of postgraduate programs from a public university in State of São Paulo, Brazil.


The sample was composed for 66 professors (n = 66) that completed 2 instruments for 10 consecutive days: Daily Activity Protocols (PAD) that records an amount of spent time on various activities, such as sleep duration, working time, leisure time, transportation time and feeding time; and, Visual Analog Scales (VAS) to measure their happiness self-perception. For the sample characterization, a Sociodemographic, Labor and Health Questionnaires (QSLS) was also collected.


Among the 66 professors who completed the survey instruments, 17 (25.8%) worked an average of 18h41min more (SD = 15h40min; median = 17h; maximum value = 49h30min; 64.7% women; 58.8% work in capital campus) than those who slept more than they worked (sleep duration = 64h51min; SD = 12.22; median = 66h45min; minimum value = 39h30min) for 10 consecutive days (6 working days and 4 days off). On a scale from 0 to 10, these professors’ self-perception mean of stress and happiness were 4.9 and 6.2, qualitatively worse than the mean of professors who sleep more than they worked (3.3 and 7.2 ).


A quarter of postgraduate professors has overload work, and therefore, choose to work when they should be asleep. This influences your quality of life decreasing your sleep duration and self-perception of happiness while increasing their self-perception of daily stress. In this study, being a woman and working on São Paulo's campus were factors for a self-perception of stress and lack of happiness.


sleep; happiness; quality of life; time management; occupational health.


Área Básica


Universidade de São Paulo - São Paulo - Brasil


Victor Hugo Silva Teixeira, Claudia Roberta Castro Moreno