Congresso Brasileiro do Sono

Dados do Trabalho


Efficacy of the stabilizer plate through electrognatography in bruxism with disc displacement and reduction: case report


The stabilizing occlusal plates act to reduce proprioceptive information that originates in the periodontium and temporomandibular joint, breaking the vicious cycle of sustained muscle contraction. Pain relief is obtained as the stabilizing plate promotes the condyle clearance from the articular cavity and the increase of its biological space, and its indication is due to the fact that such technique is configured in a less invasive and reversible method.


To evaluate the efficacy of occlusal stabilizer plaque as the main therapy in the treatment of bruxism with reduced articular disc deviation.


A 17-year-old female TTL patient with leucoderma sought the Dentistry Clinic of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife - PE, complaining of orofacial pain and wear on the internal cusps of the posterior teeth support cusps. upper limbs with unilateral click in the right hemiface and impairment of mandibular opening and closing movements. Electrognathography (EGN) was performed by affixing a small magnet to the labial surface of the lower incisors at the midline level, and the movements were immediately visualized through software (BioPAKSistem®, SQUIB, Brazil). The patient underwent the use of a thermopolymerizable stabilizing occlusal plate for the purpose of protecting the teeth, relaxing the muscles and stabilizing the stomatognathic system. Pain was measured by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), which is a one-dimensional instrument for pain scale assessment.


It was observed that after the use of the occlusal stabilizer plate there was a decrease in the maximum mouth opening amplitude, a reduction in the lateral deviation to the right, a reduction in the maximum oblique opening of the mouth, an increase in symmetry between opening and closing in the mouth. sagittal plane, increased protrusion and retrusion of the mandible, increased velocity during opening and reduction during mandibular closure. Pain reduction from grade 8 to 3 was evidenced.


The case report demonstrates the effectiveness of the occlusal stabilizer plate in reducing muscle and joint pain and promoting improvement in mandibular movement.


Bruxism; Temporomandibular joint; Stomatognathic system.


Relato de Caso


Antonio Rocha, Marilene Trindade, Vanessa Lira, Litiele Evelin Wagner, Lilian Abentroth, Jorge Machado Caram, Dulciane Nunes Paiva