Congresso Brasileiro do Sono

Dados do Trabalho


Analysis of sleep quality in patients submitted to bariatric surgery.


Introduction: Obesity is one of the greatest public health problems in the world, and it can cause comorbidities as well as a high mortality rate. To treat this clinical picture, the importance of an effective treatment is observed for patients who have tried other non-invasive methods without success or for individuals in whom bariatric surgery is the best indication. Among the comorbidities of these individuals are sleep disorders, which are very significant in the life of these patients because they cause daytime sleepiness that is usually caused by snoring and sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome; causing fragmentation of the sleep and tire hormonal changes, as well as alteration in the percentage of fat.


The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of bariatric surgery on sleep quality after six months of surgical intervention.


This is a quasi-experimental clinical trial, the study was carried out in patients referred from the outpatient clinic of Angelina Caron Hospital, 19 patients, female, aged between 20 and 65 years. The performed tests were total body mass, height measure, cervical/abdominal circumference and Pittsburgh sleep quality test.


The mean values before and after surgery were: total body mass: 109.5 kg and 81.6 kg, cervical circumference: 40.7 cm and 35.1 cm, abdominal circumference: 127 cm and 106.6 cm, respectively. There was a difference between the Pittsburgh sleep quality in the pre- and post-surgical period through the Wilcoxon test (p = 0.001), as well as strong correlations between Pittsburgh components and their total and between pre and postoperative anthropometric indicators through correlation of Spearman.


There was a significant improvement in sleep quality after six months of bariatric surgery according to patient’s perception. Some parameters were highlighted in the postoperative period according to patient’s perception, a subjective improvement of sleep quality, sleep efficiency, increased sleep duration and decreased daytime sleepiness.


Obesity. Sleep. Bariatric surgery. Quality of life. Body composition.


Área Clínica




Elena Marie Peixoto Ruthes, Oslei de Matos, Carlos Alberto Petroski, Danielle Salvati de Campos Malaquias